Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Organization and Management of a Health Care Facility Research Paper

Organization and Management of a Health Care Facility - Research Paper ExampleUnder the chief of operating policeman and the chief of financial officer is their various administrative staff that is considered the subordinates in the health manage initiation and the lowest in the organizational structure. Under the chief of medical staff is various departmental doubts in charge of the different health related departments. They include the head of surgery, head of trauma, head of palliative care and head of pediatrics. Under each of these departmental heads are the staffs which include the nurses and physicians (Daniels and Ramey, 2005).The Chief Executive Officer is the hospital head in charge of all the staff in the hospital. He is also the administrative head who liaises with various chief heads to find the way forward for the health care forwardness. He receives advice from the rest of the chiefs and heads of departments and thusly makes the final decisions. He also gives aut horization of budgets, people to hire and fire as well as other types of authorizations. He is the chair of the disciplinary committee which is composed of all chiefs and heads of departments (Garber, Gross and Slonim, 2010).The chief breeding management officer is in charge of the staffing issues in the hospital. His role is similar to that of a human pick manager and legal officer all combined in one concerned with all staffing personal matters from hiring to firing and other staffing issues that may arise in the health care facility. He is also in charge of tracking of the professional certificates, tracking and handling any legal issue in the facility as well as provides monthly reports to the chief executive officer on the general operation of the hospital (Dewan, Luo and Lorenzi, 2010).The chief financial officer is in charge of all the financial details and records in the health care facility starting from budgets, preparing and disbursing salaries and wages, handling pay ments from patients and purchase of

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